Thursday, March 13, 2008

Love stinks....Yeah Yeah...

Now, don't get me wrong. Love is a wonderful thing, family, friends, God, but I am talking about the love between a man and a woman. I have needs as a woman, one is that I talk to my boyfriend everyday. Be it to just say hi, or hey babe, im going out with the boys, or hey can't talk long, just wanted to see how your day went...SOMETHING! But no, I don't get that, and it sucks. I am not getting what I need out of this relationship. Is it me? Do I require too much? Time and attention, and show me that you love me. SHOW ME! Take me out to dinner, check my tires for air, wash my car, or take out my trash when you come to visit, something...come on...geez! Thats why I say love stinks, or maybe its just not love. Its just two people taking up each others time until that one comes along. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH....whew...thats funny. That there a such thing...I just don't know what I believe anymore. I am bothered, its 12 am and no call all day...jackass....

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